"My real desire is to teach... and that's why I'm here."
In memory of Ken Giddens
Ken was one of the Internet marketing world's
most original, creative and genuinely generous
One of the first commercial webmasters,
he built web sites for Netscape and other
major companies in the web's early days.
Ken was also the driving force behind numerous
eCommerce success stories.
Though widely known as a search engine expert,
Ken was actually one of the most accomplished
all-around Internet marketing pros I ever met. His understanding of testing, conversion,
and online merchandising was second
to none.
Hear Ken talk about his work in his own words
It seems hard to believe now because of the impact he had on so many people's lives,
but until November 2003 when he spoke at a System Club meeting in San Francisco
Ken had never been formally invited to share the full scope of his work at an Internet marketing seminar.
In recognition of Ken's extraordinary contributions and so that people who didn't have
the opportunity to know him can benefit from his experience and insight, I'm making his
presentation from System 2004 in Chicago available for immediate streaming.
(This is the first time I've ever made a recording
from a System Seminar available to the public
for any reason.)
Ken was the first speaker for a two day seminar so the recording
starts with a brief introduction to the entire event.
Press play to hear the entire talk: (approximately 1 hour)
Recorded live at the System Seminar
Chicago, Illinois - May 12, 2004
Note: Members of the System Club will receive the complete
DVD of Ken's talk in this month's Club mailing.
Additional resources
1. Bob Lang, one of the many people whose life
Ken touched, wrote this beautiful
recollection and tribute to him click here to read.
2. For a three part interview series on the life and career of Ken Giddens click here:
Audio Interviews
3. Ken's family has asked that if you want to offer something as a memorial to Ken, there are two
charities that were close to his heart: