Posted by ZennaPronna ( on October 01, 2013 at 08:40:57:
In Reply to: thomas sabo charms sale posted by sghwarcf on September 13, 2013 at 00:14:41:
Branded handbags establish their reputation because of their workmanship and quality. But, these brands are often out of reach of common folks. That is why many sellers and manufacturers have made it their business to pattern top designer bags and come out with gorgeous replica handbags that are the clones of the originals. These sellers are bringing an ever-expanding catalog of the latest brands and styles. So, the moment a fashionable bag becomes hot, there are a number of high quality replica handbags waiting for eager customers.
Some brand tattoos do indicate a lifestyle – take Harley Davidson, who own the dubious honour of being the most tattooed brand in the world. Maybe that’s more understandable as riding a Harley is a lifestyle choice, a hobby and says something about a person. But can the same be said for the Chanel logo, for example? go Some people might be attracted to knock offs due to their low price but it is a useless situation. Because nothing compares to a Chanel handbag and the knock off can usually give you up if you are around someone who knows or owns an original Chanel. Because knock offs are low quality materials that will be useless for you in a matter of time. In fact you can even end up buying a low grade handbag for a higher price!